Unforgettable Moment in My Senior High School
hello people, i was not supposed i has 5 months, underwent the day in this school.
Although this school kept many complaints from each one of his pupils but i believe the memory that was kept also many same.
Overall i'm happy to school in this school. In this school i get many facilities, many professional teachers and even many cleaning service :#
For me, the unforgettable moment is a days of MOS.
When the days of mos, i feel free. Don't know why but everyone at the time still kind friendly and not differentiate between one person with the other.
The first day, i was begun with the ceremony with Fauzi Bowo and all delegation of the student in Special Capital District of Jakarta. The opening MOS in Jakarta was held in my school. At the time I was very proud with my school and with me cause, i was successful to school in here.
On the same day we were given by the opportunity to interact directly with Fauzi Bowo *)
The next days of mos was fiiles with many games and all the agendas that could make us know at each other.
Despite at the time I just only knew close with Gita Hapsari, but according I liked to be the same the friend of the friend there. And you also must now! my days in mos by the teacher not the older student, so we not feel the fear and the other thing that normally school other.
Not lucky, in the closing day of mos i get influence so as i could not be present.
I'll keep this memories and never forget it :):)
And this is picture when we photos together with the special capital district governor can you see in the above