
You Meant for Me

Hellooo this 4th of december, god can you skip this month? I need a new year for my new life. Surely I want tell about my relationship, 4 days ago I've just 2 months. On the day, he give a really nice thing :) and!! he also sing to me. such a how sweet things, I love him until I can and I'll trust him <3333>when I was stubborn and rarely think about you. Once moreee, you never bored to give motivation to me for get a study and learn everything o:)


New Year of Muslim

Happy Idul adha people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is free day, all of us can not go to school, I just still arrived at home or stay in my grandma house. little people come and join in here, not usual cause usually is many cousin come to here. In the morning I didn't pray together in the mosque, cause i get obstacle like a woman normally so i just visit to my grandfather graves.
Idul Adha in this year is very quite and not crowded at all. surely i miss when my grandmother house very many of people, we sharing a new stories and talking everything. When I'm in elementary school, this day would be especially day for me, but now I just feel like day's normally.In the last I wanted a quite lebaran like this and now I regret to wanted it. If time can back in the past, I promise to enjoy in every second I have. Useless to regret things that have happened, we must see the future and thinking what should we do now.
Now I'm in my cousin room, her name is Flachiona Cybillya. Her room is very comfort. I want have room like her but my room I have now is can't replaced. Remember my room i immediately think about dormitary, hu... stay 37 days to leave the house on the day, not that I'm afraid miss home but I'm afraid can not adjust to the situation in the dormitory. I just try to believe that this is the best thing for me in the future :)
I think the story not so clear, if it had better go bye and remember to always read again my story :3:3:3


Can I stop the rain?

Ini bukan cerita sedih tentang cinta kok tapi cerita betapa sialnya hal yang gue dapet.
Sebenernya gue selalu berusaha supaya orang lain ngeliat gue bahagia walaupun perasaan gue separah apapun, gue lebih suka orang lain nganggep gue gapunya masalah daripada mereka tau kalo hal yang gue pikirin itu banyak banget.Makanya gue tipe orang yang jarang cerita kesembarang orang yang gue gabisa nyaman sama dia apalagi kalo dipakasa untuk cerita itu sangat gaakan bisa, kalo gue mau cerita nanti gue pasti cerita sendiri. Sejujurnya gue itu pemikir banget tapi bukan pemikir yang pelajaran gitu jadi kayak mikirin dari satu tindakan atau ucapan gatau itu penting apa engga tapi gue suka aja mikirin terus gue sambungin nanti gue bikin kesimpulan sendiri. Kadang yang begitu seru tapi bisa jadi jatohin mood banget.
Nah gue ngerasa akhir-akhir ini gue terus banyak mikir padahal gue udah berusaha untuk ga mikirin dan itu susah loh jadi kayak ngedaliin pikiran, weird ah. Walaupun weird tapi gue jadi sadar kalo gue itu sangat gak lucky, apa allah gamau ngasih apa yang gue mau supaya gue terus berusaha? terus aja gue kena hujan sial. Capek ya gue kalo terus belajar tapi gaada hasilnya jadi kan sama aja kayak gue gabelajar dan hasilnya juga sama-sama gaada tapi gue bisa main sepuasnya. Kenapa gue mesti cepet down cepet semangat gitu sih orangnya, kenapa gue ga bisa untuk selalu optimis? kenapa gue gapernah percaya sama diri gue sendiri? *karena...... emang gaada apapun di diri gue yang bisa gue banggain*
Nyesel? banget!!! tau kenapa gue nyesel? banyak hal yang gue sesalin dari apa pun, jadi kayaknya hidup gue penuh penyesalan tapi gue sih mikirnya gini aja kalo hidup gue lurus tandanya gue gaakan punya pengalaman yang bisa bikin gue lebih baik jadi hidup gue akan segitu terus sampe gede nanti, tapi kalo gue banyak ngelakuin kesalahan gue jadi tau gimana rasanya hal itu enak sesaat dan ngerugiin gue di yang akan datang. kita kan hidup cuman sekali jadi harus banyak ngelakuin kegiatan apapun yang selama ga ngerugiin orang lain ya lakuin aja, ryt? 0h0h0h0h0 satu hal yang gue inget dari gue bk gue: "lakuin aja apa yang kamu mau asal kamu tau batasnya, justru itu yang bisa ngelaundry otak kamu" -- bener banget kata dia makanya sekarang gue belom mulai juga belajar matematika, karena gue ngerasa gue masih mau untuk ngeluarin semua yang ngeganjel. Rasanya lebih enak belajar kalo gaada hal yang dipikirin jadi bisa lebih fokus dan pelajarannya juga masuk, cuman....... kenapa sih mesti ada yang namanya ngantuk? nih ya setiap gue udah serius mau belajar tapi kok malah ngantuk, kayak sekarang ini jadi sepertinya harus mulai belajar dengan segera
HmmHmm udah dulu ya gue udah janji harus belajar, byee *)


My Best Friends Ever I Have

Hey guys, I'm gonna describe my Junior High School friends!!


ASTRID SETYANNISA I call her Icha, she's my classmates when I'm on 8th grade, she like singing and always sing in every activities she did, hmm I can understand cause she have a an excellent voice uhhuuhkk I wanna have too. HER HAIR!!! wow wow like a model shampoo on television advertising; black hair,shinny,long&&very thick. Other than hair and voice, she have too an ideal body :)))) tall&not fat. Now about her family : she is an only child, so if me and my other friends hang out with her, her parents often join with us. There is Fortunately, if want get permit for my mom it can be easily =)
Her name is IVA INNAYA but I usually call her Naya. Her age is the same as me but she's more beautiful than me :) She has long black hair and curvy. her weight is 53 kg and her height is 165 cm or more. Her skin is white and soft. I think she is kind, friendly, trustworthy, cheerful, clever, and mature. She's can laugh every day and make everyone to laughing with her. Guess what??!! her ex boyfriends is almost handsome and charming :p AND She expert in making short stories, when I read her stories I feel like read a novels that have been popular. Wanna read her stories? open link this!! www.naygars.tumblr.com

ENO! her long name is Anissa Retno Mumpuni. She is very crazy but she is very beautiful too ;;) Although she's having a cute face but she not like other girls cause she's not
coquettish not spoil and sometimes she's behave like a boy. Hair color she have is brown and its naturally! c: about her face; white skin, chubby cheek, and of course a sharp eyes, therefore everyone look her and not know about her will think that she is unfriendly, whereas the fact she very abnormal people hehehe LOL :P once again!! she's have a very good attitude, if I have 4 thumbs I'll give her 3.

This current is ASTITI AYU RATASHA, just call her Tasha. She's have a sweet face, you'll never bored if you looking her, Even when I just know her and not play together, you know??? I'm
highly praised to her *) Famous people? yes! it is her ;b cause she's friendly and easy to make someone comfort with her. OH! I'm so freak'n out about her hair<333>other than that she is clever too, especially for math lessons. hmhm She's the first child, and her parents is very easy going like her &&&& overall she is very attractive :3

Unforgettable Moment in My Senior High School

hello people, i was not supposed i has 5 months, underwent the day in this school.
Although this school kept many complaints from each one of his pupils but i believe the memory that was kept also many same.
Overall i'm happy to school in this school. In this school i get many facilities, many professional teachers and even many cleaning service :#
For me, the unforgettable moment is a days of MOS.
When the days of mos, i feel free. Don't know why but everyone at the time still kind friendly and not differentiate between one person with the other.
The first day, i was begun with the ceremony with Fauzi Bowo and all delegation of the student in Special Capital District of Jakarta. The opening MOS in Jakarta was held in my school. At the time I was very proud with my school and with me cause, i was successful to school in here.
On the same day we were given by the opportunity to interact directly with Fauzi Bowo *)
The next days of mos was fiiles with many games and all the agendas that could make us know at each other.
Despite at the time I just only knew close with Gita Hapsari, but according I liked to be the same the friend of the friend there. And you also must now! my days in mos by the teacher not the older student, so we not feel the fear and the other thing that normally school other.
Not lucky, in the closing day of mos i get influence so as i could not be present.
I'll keep this memories and never forget it :):)
And this is picture when we photos together with the special capital district governor can you see in the above


My New life and New School

Now i was in high school, name of this school is SMANU Muhammad Husni Thamrin. This school was the supreme school in Jakarta. If I was asked was or not happy to school in here, possibly I will answer happy because I got friends who really made me the spirit to go to the school every day. Although all of us just knew each other but we tried to understand each other and to feel comfortable. first i will tell about my class. My class only consisted of 21 pupils, Initially I was startled and was not yet used to it with the condition for the class that just a few like this but increasingly here I began could to adjust. At least the pupil made the atmosphere be trapped was not as busy as the regular class but not meant us never your pedicab even we more often joked.
In this school we in educated with the high spirit and strong perseverance. Because of that now I more often study and read.

Ok now i'll be explain about the photo.
The first photograph was my photograph with the friend of my friend (top: me, monic, lulu, nazhira, manda; under: mega gita) the building behind our photograph was the library. This photograph was taken during us just a week went to school at that time we were still wearing the junior high school uniform because of our uniform did not yet be. But for now our uniform has been saw the Secon
d photograph
The second photograph was the photograph during after the Indonesian ceremony of the independence flag on August 17 (me on the under and six from right). What you're opinion about our uniform? .......hm whatever you say i'll be stay proud of wearing the uniform. Ok is enough for my first story and waiting for further stories bye :)